Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Super Duper Tuesday...there's no crying in politics

I've talked to two friends in the past few weeks who are registered Democrats (in different states mind you) who mentioned that they will be voting for Billary, I mean, Hillary today. They both alluded vaguely to the notion that one reason they are leaning that way is because they are feminists.

On both occasions, I asked them why, oh why, (if they were voting for feminist reasons) that they would choose someone who now uses water works as a new tool for capturing votes? Doesn't that use tactics true feminists would abhor? What real feminist would say, "Yeah, I'll cry. That'll prove I'm a woman."

Anyway, Lisa passed this article along to me, and it summed up my thoughts pretty well, though it could have gone further.

Like Lisa said, "I don't want my president crying to get sympathy from a foreign diplomat. Politics isn't like getting out of a speeding ticket."

Let's go Obama!

Monday, February 4, 2008

I know this song...wait...different song

Just noticed this morning while listening to my new playlist "Livin' Life Like It's Shark Week" that Elvis Costello got ripped off by another terrible artist.

Listen to the intros...




Just for clarification, the latter song appears on a mixed CD given to me by friends in HS, and the former is the one on the playlist. Result? My credibility is slipping.