Thursday, May 3, 2007

Coachella Tales...Day 3

Sunday April 29, 2007
8:30 am Wake up on picnic table and do my best to “shower” in the sink of the campsite bathrooms.

10:03 am Muller emerges from Rachel’s car at the restaurant disoriented and sets off the car alarm. His hair defies gravity.

10:42 am Listen to message from a distraught Patu who has not been able to find the tent all night. (Turns out he bought a sleeping bag from the general store and slept on an embankment in the parking lot)

12:12 pm Pack up tent and dare to open the cooler.

1:07 pm Why in the name of Carlos D would you wear white pumps to a festival? You might be a Rage fan if you have a shaved head, a goatee, and a tribal tattoo around your bulked up ceps.

1:37 pm Sound man plays “Dropkick the Punks.” Andrew and I determine that camped out Rage fans will most likely hate Manu Chao most of all artists they sit through while waiting for DeLaRocha and co.

2:16 pm I want to be the hype (wo)man on the stage for Lupe Fiasco. “I Gotcha” and “Daydreamin’” kick large amounts of ass.

2:54 pm Tapes ‘n Tapes aren’t good live. They play generic rock. They did it at the Bluebird in August, and they’re doing it now. How did I forget this?

3:35 pm While funking out to the Coup: Lupe Fiasco is standing right next to me. Picture please.

4:37 pm Explosions in the Sky melt faces with instrumental rock. I take a power nap in the shade of the sound board.

4:52 pm Men begin to set up a row of blow-through barricade, and they are each lifting pieces individually. That shit is HEAVY. If I remember one thing about loading in shows, I remember being proud when three of us could lift one.

5:28 pm If Carlos D is God, a drum solo from ?uestLove signals the second coming.
TheRoots cover Dylan. With a sousaphone. Anti-Bush sentiments flew today...not that I minded. Kirk Douglas might be one of the best living guitarists, and he has Chuck Berry down cold.

6:40 pm Ricky Wilson of the Kaiser Chiefs scales the scaffolding. I make friends with an Australian who tries to get me to see Crowded House.

7:38 pm Jose Gonzalez has stolen Coachella’s soul and put it in his classical guitar so that he might give it back in the form of “Crosses.” He then launches into an appropriately timed “Lovestain” and my 10 Things joke is lost in translation. There is a Massive Attack cover involved in addition to the Knife one.

9:25 pm Air is delayed, so Paris Hilton and friends pose on stage for pictures. Andrew and I are stuck near a bunch of adolescent scenesters who all have Heineken bracelets...

Find the other USD crew..Steve passes out using a Dew bottle as a pillow.

10:24 pm Damien Rice takes the stage. Man standing next to us is wearing an Adidas speed suit. I shit you not. He looks like he just ran the 4x2.

10:40 pm

Rage finds the stage almost as slowly as Spinal Tap, no riots ensue. What a disappointment. I can feel myself getting sicker by the minute…immune system failing.

4:05 am (Monday) I wobble back home for a much needed shower and some quality time with my bed.


BrookeWalsh said...

Great coverage. I feel like you did all the hardwork -- dealing with the scenesters, the heat and the haircuts (?) -- so I could sit in my nice little apartment and enjoy it all anyway. Thanks, OZ.

And, great use of YouTube. YouTube makes the media nerd inside of me super-excited. Here's why: Compare the Vista online version to your version. Look at how much more lively and complete your narrative can become when supplemented by multiple media elements, placed correctly. Your text doesn't repeat what your images show (for the most part) and the video is just as supplemental (as opposed to repetitive). In fact, I might use it as an example of how to use a blog to the other media types at work.

Anonymous said...

Oz! Love your coachella roundup! Wish I had seen you there (although I was only there for Saturday). You are a fantastic writer. I'm a fan. A superfan, if you will. P.S. Bright Eyes tomorrow night?