Friday, February 16, 2007

You have served me well...

Today one of my computer speakers either committed electronic suicide or passed out from exhaustion. True, my factory issued Altec Lansing towers were not made to serve someone like me. I forced the latest and greatest albums as well as perennial favorites through them for about 18 hours a day...for three and a half years.

Tomorrow I will set out to replace them with a new set, so I don't hear half of every album. I'll miss you speakers, and I feel that I should bury you next to Blackbeard or Luna as another victim of life in Manchester. You may not have been an anorexic snake or a beta that doubled as a therapist, but you guys have provided me with countless hours of musical comfort and discovery.

It was through you that I first encountered M. Ward and Death Cab. You listened patiently as I played "My Favourite Chords" 800 times. You came with me on trips and showed just as much love to my iPod as my iTunes. You didn't judge me as I danced spastically to "Down on the Corner" and "Let the Poison Spill from Your Throat," and you never questioned my flippant musical nights where I couldn't seem to listen to a song all the way through.

You played Sigur Ros as I stayed up to ungodly hours studying for biochem tests. You let Damien Jurado and Nick Drake's voices resonate through my room as I slept blissfully. You helped me drown out the sound of the batting cages or the landscapers.

I will miss your crisp sound, and although I probably will forget you years down the road, we'll always have our hours together.


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